Tuesday, June 11, 2013

First Days at FGCU Marine Station

This first day has put the "intense" in this intensive, five-week course. We were introduced to the geological aspect of marine science, where we actually had the opportunity to obtain samples through coring. It was a very strenuous process but the end results were fascinating! It was incredible being able to find evidence that suggest certain events, such as hurricanes, taking place so long ago from a sample of stratified dirt.

The scientific process of coring at work...

This dirt is 2500-3000 years old!!

All in all it was a great first day out on the water, learning more about this mangrove ecosystem. I'm excited for the days to come! 


  1. Based on the video, it looks like the cores were very difficult to extract!

  2. They were very difficult to put in and even harder to retrieve. Once in the ground you had to cap them, which creates a very powerful suction, so that you don't lose your sample.
